The Medicine Hat Wellness Initiative - Bob Wilkie & MHC Event
On April 12 & 19th, MHC is presenting two free interactive web events with a company called I Got Mind, owned by Bob Wilkie, on two mental health topics – trauma and grief & loss.
A few speakers that will be joining Bob are: Clint Malarchuk, Willie Desjardins, Darren Kruger & Chief of Police, Mike Worden.
These speakers will be joined by a panel of clinicians to support the conversation and offer professional insight into trauma, grief and loss.
The audience is specifically aimed for mid teens to adults.
All info on the event, and to access registration, can be found here www.igotmind.ca/medicine-hat-wellness-initiative/
SEAC Board of Directors
The SEAC program strives to provide hockey players with high performance resources to promote lifelong success with Core Values of the Association encompassing:
INTEGRITY: the association and its volunteers to be honest, fair, consistent and ethical when dealing with members and their families.
TEAMWORK: working together to achieve common goals for the association’s overall success and excellence.
FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY: development and adherence to financial accountability.
RESPECT: create a climate of mutual respect and diversity by recognizing all members contributions to the SEAC program.
COMMUNITY: seeking opportunities to unite the community we live in and develop prospects of ethical citizenship.
COMMITMENT: continuous improvement and value hard work and a growth mindset in the pursuit of excellence.